Building alerts

Find notifications for closures at WSDOT buildings.

Employee notifications for Ferries

There are currently no notifications.

Employee notifications for Eastern Region

There are currently no notifications.

Employee notifications for North Central Region

There are currently no notifications.

Employee notifications for South Central Region

There are currently no notifications.

Employee notifications for Olympic Region

You can also sign up for email or text alerts for new employee notifications in the Olympic Region under the category “WSDOT Facilities Alerts.”

There are currently no notifications.

Employee notifications for Southwest Region

There are currently no notifications.

Employee notifications for Northwest Region

There are currently no notifications.

Employee notifications for Headquarters

Olympia-area headquarters employees receive closure and other important worksite information automatically from ReadyOp through their agency email accounts and most agency issued cell phones.  

Headquarters buildings include:

  • Transportation Building (Maple Park)
  • Edna Lucille Goodrich (ELG) Building 
  • State Materials Lab 
  • Mottman Environmental Office 
  • Aviation Building

In addition to your agency email and agency issued cell phone (if provided), worksite information can also be sent to personal cell phones and home computers. If an employee would like to add their personal email address or mobile number to receive notifications for Headquarters Facilities, please contact the Emergency and Security Operations Office at

Slow down – lives are on the line. 

In 2023, speeding continued to be a top reason for work zone crashes.

Even one life lost is too many.

Fatal work zone crashes doubled in 2023 - Washington had 10 fatal work zone crashes on state roads.

It's in EVERYONE’S best interest.

95% of people hurt in work zones are drivers, their passengers or passing pedestrians, not just our road crews.