Refresh Rate:

Colman Dock, the Seattle ferry terminal, is located on the Seattle Waterfront at Pier 52. This is where you access Washington State Ferries to Bainbridge Island and Bremerton. The Colman Dock Project completed major new elements in summer 2023, including the entry building along Alaskan Way and the elevated pedestrian connector for ticketing and terminal building access. Additional and final improvements will be completed in 2024—including removal of the temporary walkway. Please be alert to final construction activities while entering and exiting Colman Dock.

Project News

Temporary schedule for two weeks: All trips between the Seattle terminal, Bainbridge Island, and Bremerton will follow a temporary sailing schedule beginning on Saturday, Jan. 4 through Jan. 20, 2020. Find out more about the temporary sailing schedule and ways to plan ahead.

WSF's Terminal Conditions are unavailable for this terminal. Fares are not collected before departing the island. View Tahlequah cameras.

Ferry Alert Bulletins


Directions and Transportation Connections

  • The Tahlequah terminal is located at the south end of Vashon Island. Follow Vashon Highway South. The highway ends at the terminal.



WSF has implemented a U.S. Coast Guard approved security plan, for more information please visit our Safety and Security page.


Ferry Advisory Committee (FAC)

  • Contact the Ferry Advisory Committee chair representing your community with suggestions or concerns about ferry service.


Tourist Information

There is a Park and Ride lot adjacent to dock. It is located at Vashon Hwy SW & SW Tahlequah Rd. For park and ride information and bus connections check Metro Online.

While motorcycles are not, by Washington Administrative Code (WAC 468-300-700), a preferential loading category of users, they are often loaded prior to automobiles for operational and staging purposes. Arrival at the dock after vehicle load has commenced requires motorcycles to wait until all cars have been loaded for the next motorcycle loading opportunity. Motorcycles should proceed, while on the dock, at no more than 10 mph. Use caution when car decks are wet.

The following information details specific staging for this terminal:
Fare Purchase/Redemption
Roundtrip Fares Purchased at Point Defiance or online in advance.
Motorcycles may bypass vehicles to stage in the front of the holding lanes.
Loading order: bicycles, motorcycles, vehicles, late arriving motorcycles as space permits.
Special Communication
There is no motorcycle fare charged when traveling from Vashon Island. Motorcycle fares are roundtrip from Point Defiance.

The vessel assigned to this route has a height clearance of 16'. The overhead wires at the Point Defiance terminal and the wires leaving the Point Defiance terminal are only 13' 6" tall.

WSF requires trucks with a gross vehicle weight of over 80,000 lbs and/or over 8’6” wide to have “travel approval” before crossing any of our routes. Vessels on this route have a limited height clearance and trucks may be loaded out of sequence.

Trucks that have a gross vehicle weight of over 80,000 lbs but are hauling less than 80,000 lbs will need to provide a weight slip.

Please fill out our Oversized/Overweight Vehicle Travel form and email it to Please allow three business days for completion and approval. You can contact us at anytime for status updates at (206)464-6400. .

Trucks with a ground clearance of less than 14" may not be allowed to travel to/from Vashon Island during periods of extreme low tides.

There is no payment for passengers or bicycles traveling from Tahlequah to Point Defiance. Bicyclists may bypass the line of vehicle traffic to get onto the ferry dock. Bicyclists should arrive 20 minutes prior to departure time to be loaded at the beginning of loading process. If a bicyclist arrives after vehicle loading has begun, they will be loaded at the end of the load. Riders should walk their bikes on and off the ferry to avoid injuring passengers. There are no bike racks.

Carpool/Vanpools must be ticketed and in line 10 minutes before scheduled sailing time to receive preferential loading. If you are late, you will be loaded on a space available basis at the end of the loading. For information or to register for our rideshare program see ourcarpools and vanpools page.


Terminal Features and Amenities

  • Overhead Passenger Loading: No
  • Elevator: No
  • Waiting Room: No
  • Food Service: Yes. Galley
  • 7:35a.m.-5:10 p.m. Daily
  • **Note - Limited Menu Items & Credit Only
  • Restrooms: No



Fare Discounts

Fares on the Point Defiance/Tahlequah route are collected going to the island. There are no tolls or fares sold or collected at Tahlequah. In fact, there is no staff at Tahlequah; WSF terminal employees arrive via the vessel that is landing at Tahlequah.

We offer seniors (65+), persons with disabilities and passengers with a Medicare card, or other eligibility verification, travel at half the regular passenger fare rate. We offer special rates for youth ages 6 to 18. Children ages 5 and under travel free.

Multi-ride cards are good for 90 days from the date of purchase and are non-refundable.

For more information check Fares.


Transit Options


Lost and Found

Lost and found items on this route are turned in to the Point Defiance ferry terminal. Due to storage limitations, found items are held for 10 days from the date they were found. Our Information Agents can assist you with lost and found inquiries from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm (daily) at (206) 464-6400 or 1-888-808-7977.


Additional Info

Bus service to the Tahlequah ferry is available on Metro routes #118 and #119.
